Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Introduction to Me...because yes, you really want to know

I've had a few friends ask if I blog because apparently the stories I tell are comedic and they feel they should be put on paper (or the web, whatever). I do love to write, and it may take me a while to get back into it, but hopefully it'll be like riding a bike. I'm not sure if this will end up being more of a ranting place, or a place to talk about my faith or my family, or all of the above...but know that at that moment it was important to me, or I wouldn't have taken the time to write it down.

Three things...One, if I criticize my family, understand right now that it's not because I don't love them or want to be away from them. It's called "life." I want to be authentic and transparent about the things I go through, hopefully to be a better witness to those who are trying to understand why I follow God, so maybe they in turn will also follow Him. We all go through our seasons of frustration and happiness. I'm not going to pretend that everyday is perfection, but it is a gift from God, and I try to see the goodness that He put in it. I love my family and wouldn't trade them for anything. I breathe them. They can make me want to pull my hair out, but I do adore them and am blessed by them.

Second, my friends are my family. I have family as everyone does, but my friends are the ones who love me in spite of my flaws, hold me up when I fall, hold me accountable when I'm about to go the wrong direction...or who forgive me when I already have. Relationships are difficult, whether blood related or not, and we all fall short. But thankfully we don't all fail at the same time. The people God has placed in my life are an amazing support system. You know who you are, and I love each of you as my own brother, sister, mother, father, aunt, uncle, granddaddy...

Third, but far from last, my faith is of the utmost importance to me. I want to share it with everyone, and that does require boldness, and that isn't something I've necessarily been accused of often, if ever. But thankfully, we're all works in progress. For now, I will say, there are a couple of songs serving as my anthems. One lyric says, "We are one choice from together, you and me..." and that is absolutely what I believe if you are not serving and loving Jesus. It is just one simple choice from being apart of God's (and my) family. I do absolutely believe there is hell, and if you aren't serving heaven, you are serving hell. Yes, it is that black and white. The other lyric says, "It's gotta be more like falling in love than something to believe in...more like losing my heart than pledging my allegiance." This is the revival I'm currently experiencing with God. It's not about doing what your parents taught you or going to church because it makes you feel like you did your duty...it's about not wanting anything else in life except the truth of Jesus.